Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth

I thought I hated Vivaldi, the Four Seasons especially, but then I heard an absolutely sublime recording.... sadly I don't remember who the composer or orchestra was.
It always makes me smile to hear a different interpretation of a well-known work.  Like a great cover (e.g., Take Me To The River, All Along The Watchtower.)  My favorite Four Seasons performance is the BSO recording on Telarc (recently repressed to vinyl), but a violinist friend of mine just recommended a live performance by Giuliano Carmignola, which could not be more different than the Silverstein BSO performance, but still just great.
If you like at least some Vivaldi, it behooves you to seek out the recordings of some of the newly rediscovered material played by the Accademia Bizantina - excellent
If y'all want to hear Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" for the First Time, take in an informed early music performance by Brecon Baroque lead by Rachael Podger.  Buy the CD.  Extraordinary performance, recording quality and dynamics.   What's interesting about this performance is that there is only one player on a part.  Not a big, over blown, cumbersome orchestra.  This is baroque chamber music played the way it was meant to be played.

Link on Amazon

You can easily find this on YouTube, but you won't hear the dynamics.  Buy the CD.  Really.  Just do it.