Hi, need help with Snell Type a iii

Hey guys looking for help with my new acquisition. Just got some mint Snell Type A iii and did a test last night and they are incredible but I feel the bass is a little thick and slow. I'm hoping it is my amp since it is supposed to be a power hungry speaker. I running em with a mccormack dna 0.5 deluxe biwired, is it enough? or could it be that the woofers have new surrounds (done by Miller sound), and could need a break in period? lastly they are placed about a foot off the rear wall and around 4 feet off the sides. thanks for any help
Hi, Larry & Fishboat I know I need more power for these A's but What can you suggest for a good match with my CARY SLP03. One guy I know is all over McIntosh for these. I'd love both your input and once again thanks.

Never heard the Cary, I'm partial to McCormack for power.

I honestly don't swap my hardware in and out that much. My money is on music these days.
Krell, when used in the bass region only is hard to beat.
Since it's only Achilles Heel, IMHO is the mid/upper mid hashiness that I've described ad nauseum on these pages, it seems like a perfect choice.
It's deep, powerful and controls very well, all attributes that the Snells can use.

A used 200wpc Krell would be my first choice, and they're probably readily available.

Good luck,
Is there anyone in the Chicagoland area with Snell Type A's? I am considering trying to obtain a pair and would like the opportunity to hear them. I am great guest who can bring the appropriate refreshments. Bob
Hi! I was hoping to ask Fishboat about his experience with AII's vs AIII's. I used to own AII's and LOVED them. Sold them foolishly to please my wife. Now I have original A's but am thinking about some AIII's. Would you mind contrasting the AII's vs the AIII's for me? I don't want to lose the magic midrange, and can't stand brightness. Might the AIII's be better without violating these two elements? Thanks!