Musical Fidelity's x10-v3 tube output buffer?

I have a Musical Fidelity a3.2 integrated amp and a3.2 cd player. I am using Paradigm studio 40 v.3 speakers. I have been considering adding M. F.'s x10-v3 line output buffer to get an even fuller sound. Has anyone used this component? Is it worth the $400 cost?
It's been only a few days so far. I am not sure it is all burned-in for fair audiotion. Anyhow, X10-v3 tube buffer does 'volumizing' the presentation or smooth out the texture and the details. Music is a bit slower than before. It helps certain types of recordings but they are small percentage among my CD collection. It's not my taste, at least with my current system set-up. I'll return it, if x10-v3 does not improve over the next 2 weeks. I'll post in 3 weeks.

If you hear music to relax, if might help. But, there are good CD players, cost at or lower than $400, that can do similar stuff very well (used Rega, NAD, etc.)

Note: I have not used X-PSU. My CD player is one of the top of the line Sony.
It does not work with most of the cd player amp/preamp combinations as in my opinion it smears the high frequency and robs the shimmer from the recordings, I owned it when I bought the Marantz CD-63SE with which it was a good match for some reason. After changing the CD players I kept connecting it and somehow the sound was always better without the DUFFER in between.

$400 + an ADDITIONAL interconnect is a lot of money even if it does give you a feeling it is doing something.Besides, many thought that changing the stock tube inside makes it sound even better so add that too if you have to go for it.Some serious audiophiles who are technically inclined had said that it is nothing but a noise generator and should be promptly removed from the system to whoever was using it at that time. I would simply spend on more music than on this product.

The good thing about it was that I was able to sell it at almost 80% of the originl price 2-3 years later. Never regretted the decision.

This is my sincere advice based on my personal experience with the product.

Conclusion: Sheer waste of money!

Just my 0.02 cents worth
I agree with Quadophile.
It was nothing but a noise generator.
X10-V3 tube even failed to improve $100 Sony CD Player as you and I guessed.

I returned mine.
for every system, nor will the X-10 be right for everyone's setup.
It would be beneficial to mention a couple of points.
First, the X-10 v3 does add a 1db signal boost. Having said that, I don't hear any extra noise at all.
Secondly, as I said in my original post, the X-10 v3 performs extremely well with the X-PSU, and not so noticeably well without the PSU. The same with the X-Can headphone amp.
Users might also note some difference (as I did) when using the X-10 v3 between source and pre-amp and, alternatively, between pre and power amp.
Having heard VERY pleasing musical results from the X-10 v3, I think it is worth the effort to audition it to see if it benefits individual systems. It has certainly boosted my listening enjoyment a great deal.
From my experience, I'd say anyone reporting negatively without having heard it with the X-PSU has not done it proper justice. I also suspect that some are reporting here on their experience with the old model, not the newly released and much-better v3 version.
When using the tube buffer, you enter a situation where your interconnects need to be considered. For example, many tube users use relatively bright-sounding interconnects to give some sparkle to the extra warmth of tube sound.
It figures then (generalizing for a moment of course), that those using warmer-sounding interconnects that sound great with their non-tube gear, might perceive a "deficiency" when using the tube buffer in the same setup.
The tube buffer benefits from being integrated into a system, not just thrown in and judged without due consideration to interconnects etc.
If an expensive system is already assembled, the benefits of the tube buffer are unlikely to justify many hundreds of dollars of interconnect changes, BUT, when building a new system from scratch and selecting all ancilliary items with the tube buffer in place, I suspect most users will be delighted with the results.