Have you tried others?
Sorbothane traps resonances, very similar to rubber, Not good!.
Have you tried others?
Sorbothane traps resonances, very similar to rubber, Not good!.
I am sorry, but i would never even try any mat that looks like that one in the ad. And i would not use such mats even if it’s claimed to be superior to $400 mats, because i own those $250-1200 mats and they are just great. I think it is also important how a seller represent his product for his customers, i hope my criticism will help to improve it, nothing personal here, just a good advice. This is DIY product, very simple, in my opinion with very high price for a piece of something that looks like a 5 year old kid just cut it for fun. That was my first impression, today i just checked again and i have the same feeling. Again, nothing personal here, if someone like then it buy it for $49. I do not sell Sakura Systems THE MAT and i am not related to that company at all, i bought THE MAT for $250 + shipping and i can highly recommend this mat here on audiogon, because it is a top quality product even after i have compared it to gunmetal mats that cost over $1k. Boston Audio designed first 2 versions of the mat. For $250 it’s the best buy (imo). |