Charity store bin diving? Am I the only one that suffers this addiction?

Pretty much as the title says, lol.
I frequent a number of local charity store or thrift shops if you prefer.
There are good and bad days for lp,s and cd,s.

Today was an exceedingly good day!

4 original Deep Purple albums, Billy Cobham, Grand Funk, Styx, Animals, Live, Metallica. etc etc

22 albums total for just $12.

Anybody else addicted to the thrill of the hunt?
'Thrift game is a total time-waster.'

And yet you seem to visit those stores. I think that's called hypocrisy.

My post said nothing of the rich or wealthy. 'where incomes are the highest' indicates a group of people that work for a living.

The OP started this thread with fun, honest humor of a simple hobby of - discovery - just maybe to spread a little cheer out here in gon land while the corona virus is spreading. 

Since you have only 7 posts, and a few are here, plus the content of your posts, I find you completely suspect as nothing more than a troll on a serious buzz kill mission.

Right you are tyray. There's plenty good to be found in every kind of Goodwill neighborhood. I frequent seven different stores, and in one here in Sun City West, an upper income retirement community in AZ, I just bought 8 really good jazz CDs, Evens, Getz etc. from one man's immaculate collection (each with his name and address label) for 2 bucks each. 
Oh it is definitely an addiction!
Decided to visit a Goodwill in a slightly different area to my normal haunts and while still not a fantastic selection I did come away with three Concrete Blonde albums.
Had to get two other albums as well because they were a whopping 5 albums for $1...
Hard to handle!
Try finding good rock lps in London.
I've never been there but record-hunting-day-adventure posts to vinyl-collecting forums like VeryGoodPlus  - pictures and all -  paint an extremely dire picture.

The thrifts in England are called "chazzas". Oxfam stores are particularly brutal when it comes to pricing Nana Mouscouri.
I hated every single aspect of London even when I lived there so not surprised at all.

But by inference I was primarily talking about USA charity shops.
That is my present scope of reference.

btw, chazzas must be relatively new slang as nobody ever called them that when I lived there which was right up to about November 2000.