Charity store bin diving? Am I the only one that suffers this addiction?

Pretty much as the title says, lol.
I frequent a number of local charity store or thrift shops if you prefer.
There are good and bad days for lp,s and cd,s.

Today was an exceedingly good day!

4 original Deep Purple albums, Billy Cobham, Grand Funk, Styx, Animals, Live, Metallica. etc etc

22 albums total for just $12.

Anybody else addicted to the thrill of the hunt?
"The stores where your chances of finding something nice will always be in the areas where the incomes are the highest. "

I disagree. The wealthy are too busy with their snouts in the stock-market to listen to music. Their knowledge is:Fleetwood Mac,Sabbath,Zep and Young. (That is if they know even that much.)

My friend used to tune pianos and was often in the mansions of the rich. He would snoop at their bookshelfs or music collections when no one was looking. Conclusion: the rich have abysmal taste. They like coffee-table "books" and music that has been funnelled down their throats. They do not seek the music on their own.

(Also, they are cheap:Generally I find better things/prices  in garage sales of the non-rich.)

I said previously that  the religious have no musical taste. Neither do the rich, the sports addicts or the audiofools.
'Thrift game is a total time-waster.'

And yet you seem to visit those stores. I think that's called hypocrisy.

My post said nothing of the rich or wealthy. 'where incomes are the highest' indicates a group of people that work for a living.

The OP started this thread with fun, honest humor of a simple hobby of - discovery - just maybe to spread a little cheer out here in gon land while the corona virus is spreading. 

Since you have only 7 posts, and a few are here, plus the content of your posts, I find you completely suspect as nothing more than a troll on a serious buzz kill mission.

Right you are tyray. There's plenty good to be found in every kind of Goodwill neighborhood. I frequent seven different stores, and in one here in Sun City West, an upper income retirement community in AZ, I just bought 8 really good jazz CDs, Evens, Getz etc. from one man's immaculate collection (each with his name and address label) for 2 bucks each. 
Oh it is definitely an addiction!
Decided to visit a Goodwill in a slightly different area to my normal haunts and while still not a fantastic selection I did come away with three Concrete Blonde albums.
Had to get two other albums as well because they were a whopping 5 albums for $1...
Hard to handle!
Try finding good rock lps in London.
I've never been there but record-hunting-day-adventure posts to vinyl-collecting forums like VeryGoodPlus  - pictures and all -  paint an extremely dire picture.

The thrifts in England are called "chazzas". Oxfam stores are particularly brutal when it comes to pricing Nana Mouscouri.