These seem a bit pricey $$$

Saw Steve Guttenberg’s review of the Credo 900’s the other day. I realize there is a lot more involved in the cost of a speaker than parts costs - labor, insurance shipping, dealer margins. OK, that’s called business. But 12K for these?
Just seems a bit out of line.
No, I never heard them.  Maybe they're worth it.
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The sad truth is that in our capitalist society price = value. Now how about that deal with Tom Brady going to the Bucs for $30M a year, with 2 years guaranteed! Still, his past record does justify that - 9 Super Bowls, 6 wins! 
My pet peeve lately has been the SAT (Swedish Audio Technology) tonearm. Originally it was $29K. Now an "improved" version is available - only a mere $53K! A favorite of MF! Save your pennies, children!