Need your thoughts on Denon 3910 vs McCormack UDP1

I'm a 2 channel fan who has just expanded to 5.1 with all McCormack electronics, with which I am very pleased. I just bought the 3910 over the UDP1 because of probable better video, more connection and adjustment flexibilty, and lower price.

Early impressions of the 3910 sound quality leaves me unexcited. It just sounds generaly mid-fi, when compared even to my 6 year old Classe CDP.5 which kills it for musicality.

So my options are either trade it back within a week for a UDP, which everyone that has heard it seems to rave about, and accept the no DVI/HDMI, less controls etc. Or eventually send the 3910 in to one of the major mod places, which everyone seems to rave about, and hope it sounds as good as a UDP.

My main frustration is that it seems I have to make this crucial decision without any possible way to actually compare the sound of a UDP to a modified Denon - what would you do?
Ag insider logo xs@2xbbeezley
I would go with the UDP-1. In the event that you dont like it, a non-modified product is almost ALWAYS easier to sell than a modified unit.

I have heard the UDP-1 and I share the sentiments of the following review; it can compete with the best redbook players at ANY price!
I'd increase my budget and go with the Esoteric DV 50S ($6,000 but you can find a deal on a used one for around $4,900). Handily beats the UDP-1 in redbook and has great dvd playback (on the level of the better Arcam players) including DVI output.

A cheaper option would be to either check out the Arcam DV 29 which is a great redbook player, has unbelieveable video, DVD-A and DVI outputs. No SACD. Or, Marantz has a brand new universal called the DV 9500 (replacement for the 8400) which considerably improves on the redbook performance of the 8400 (which was good to begin with) and better video. Retails new for $2,000.

Good luck!
I will put my modded 3910 against the mcCormack for redbook anytime, anyday, anywhere.
Get both. Use the Denon for movies and the McCormack for music. I do wish someone would do a comparison of a modified Denon to a McCormack.
Go whith the best sound and best picture quality bar none universal under 4k... the Onkyo sp 1000.

Vanns had these for 1464.00(2000.00 U.S.list) and sold there entire stock in a couple of days.
This player sells for 5k or more U.S in the orient,UK, and Europe.
This player is superior to the Denon 5900/3910 for video and has that toe tapping musicality thing going for it also.