Axe to grind know it alls

Recently I have noticed that there are people who apparently enjoy having controversial posts. One in particular stands out. I have no problem with people expressing different opinions but are they doing this just to get attention? They don’t care what the responders to their posts have to say as only their opinion is the correct one and everyone else is wrong unless they agree with the op which is rare.

I have always looked at the Audiogon forums as a resource to get information and exchange ideas . When the post is a one way street, I think it does little if anything to contribute to the forums so going forward I will just ignore their posts.  Anyone else irritated by these posers?

     Mean to  ishkabibi?  How was that mean, I meant it humorously?  Do you know him and he told you this?

OK Tim, I see you really thought it was funny, and maybe I have misunderstood the situation.  But if he wasn't ticked off why would he make his post under a thread called "Axe To grind know it alls"?  
Hello George,

     Yes, I really (as in actually) thought it was funny.  But I don't think it was really (as in very) funny. I now understand that you assumed he was ticked off at me because he titled his thread "Axe to grind know it alls".
     But his original post gave no specific examples and named no specific user names.  I had no reason to believe he was referring to me as one of his so called "Axe to grind know it alls".
    Only much later in the thread did he give a specific example of what he was referring to.  It was a reply posted on another thread he started that he titled "Sucking the romance out of the music".
   My post was in response to this specific example he cited in which a member told him to put on some music and be romantic with himself. I just posted that the reply to his cited example was relevant and funny.  I still think it was a relevant and funny reply which lacked any evidence of a particular axe to grind.  I believe most members would agree with my assessment.
     I had and still have no intention of being mean to ishkabibi.  I'm simply calling them as I see or hear them and funny is funny.
