Reasonable moving coil cartridge

I am looking to purchase a Music Hall 1.5 TT. The selling point being a removable headshell. 

That being said, i am looking for a reasonably priced moving coil cartridge to use on the MH. My preamp is the Bryston 1B- MC. I am not looking to refinance my house. Something in the neighborhood of $200-300 USD. I dont need to worry about a moving coil amplifier as the MC comes with one built in.

Both of them ( DL-301 II & DL-110 ) have Elliptical tip, it's ok for about 600 hrs of use and then re-tip with drop of glue or it must be re-cantilevered, but for this price a better MM cartridges can be acquired with Stereohedron Tip (twice as much stylus life span and user replaceable in a few seconds).  

The only benefit of aluminum cantilever is pressure-fitted diamond, when you remove pressure-fitted diamond and glue another one instead it is degradation (a typical re-tipping process), even if the diamond is new. So it's better to change the whole cantilever (can take up to 3-5 month) or to buy another cartridge (better idea in this situation with MC limitation). 

Elliptical styli are in no way, shape or form limited to 600hrs. My AT33E has run for a minimum of 800hrs, more likely around 1000hrs and is still in good shape.

The reason many (but certainly not all) ellipticals wear out quite quickly is that they are destined for cheap cartridges and hence lower quality diamonds are used. And low quality diamonds do of course wear out sooner than good quality diamonds.....

However, an elliptical and a contact line made from the same quality diamond will see a far smaller difference in longevity.

The remainder of Chakster’s assertions are also utterly wrong. There is absolutely no need to accept a bonded stylus as substitute for one that is press fitted as long as you use a skilled re-tipper. There is also absolutely no reason to assume that a re-build or re-tip will take 3-5 months - my last one took less than 4 weeks. Just show a little sense and ask before sending in your cartridge. If the waiting list is long, choose somewhere else to send it.

Basically, Chakster’s proselytising should generally be taken with a large bag of coarse sea salt.
The Needle Clinic replaced the cantilever and tip on my ZU DL103 Cartridge.  He is very quick.  I sent it out on a Tuesday by Priority Mail, he received it 2 days later on Thursday.  The next day which was Friday he sent me an invoice with the USPS tracking number as he already shipped it back to me.  I received it the  following a Tuesday.  Exactly 1 week from start to finish.  The sound is better than when new. 
I should correct something. When i commented earlier i meant new cantilevered not retip. SoundSmith calls themselves retippers but mostly as far as i know they prefer to recantilever. All three that i had done were recantilevered. I don't actually hear much about just retipping. Correct me if this is wrong.
It’s wrong. And a sample size of three is hardly consequential.

Only they can answer as to their preference, but a complete rebuild offers the re-whatever far more control of the quality of the finished product (and of course more money). A simple retip might quite conceivably fail or deteriorate within an unreasonable time frame if the cartridge is old, due to factors outside their control.