I want a change, but what?

I am using a Proceed CDD transport and a Audio Note One.1x dac. The digital cable is a Zu model I paid $70.00 new. I find the combination a little too laid back. I want more impact and detail. I was thinking of the new single box Audio Aero Prima 24/192. I don't need a voume control on the cd player, but I would like RCA and balanced outputs. I would like to spend under $1500.00 and used is preferred. I realize the new Prima 24/192 is more money and new. My system includes a Karan KAi180 integrated amp and Merlin VSM -M with a balanced bam. I have read the reviews about the Cairn Fog V2.0 with upsampler and the Arcam units that are in my price range. Arcam does not have balanced outs. Any info would be great.
Change your digital cable. I have a CDD and use the AZ mc2
to a pass D-1 and you want to talk about detail. WOW!!!
I have another digital cable I will try. I will see what happens. Thank you for the advice.
Read this and you might decide not to buy new, more expensive gear:

Also, your digital cable should be 1.5m long:
I have done some modifications to the DAC. I have upgraded some caps to black gates and some resistors on the output board per Peter Q of AN. I have used some Amperex tubes and changed the DAC chip to the K version. I have not tried a longer digital cable. The Zu Firemine I am using is .75 meters long. I am getting the feeling that upgrading to a newer single box player is not recomended.
I use a Zu Ash digital cable and I like it a lot, but it cost more than the one you have. I think the Ash can be bettered, but not at the promo price I paid on eBay and probably not at list either. I agree that your front end justifies a better cable.

I have yet to test Audioengr (Steve Nugent)'s contention that 1.5m is better than 0.5m length, when it comes to digital. However I do feel I need to test it, since it appears to depend on poor transport design. I would like to think that is not a given.

I am using an Apogee DA-1000E-20 DAC with my Zu Ash cable. It has balanced outs and, with its power supply, goes for $400-$600 on eBay. I am quite happy with its impact and detail.

If you get the chance, let us know what changes you make, and the results.