Useful Information

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wow! That explains it! The article you site is written as an opinion piece by someone who is attempting to rewrite the foibles on full display with the US handling and strategy during the Tet Offensive. Further, he is criticizing the house draft of a coronavirus bill which is not under consideration.

I should have known when you mentioned the page count that you did that you were mistaken. The actual bill is under 900 pages and has very little in common with the draft you site. Now, I dont mean to be critical of your analysis, if any was performed, but I am critical when someone reads something such as the article you site when it was an opinion piece in USAToday. At least you could have digested the content, taken a moment to fact check and then use your intelligence to recognize the writer was criticizing something that has no bearing on this conversation.

I also worry there are many out there who merely parrot what they skim without any display of thought or analysis. Like quoting “Christmas in March”! Do those with this level of allegiance still believe the virus is a democratic hoax? Those who cited and repeated this irresponsible line of thinking should pause and reflect. The mark of an intelligent being is to reverse course when they are wrong.
The greatest problem in the Us now is the division polarization of the different instances of government, and of the population, between those who takes the health crisis very seriously, and those who does not or dont want to understand the prioritization of the health crisis problem...

The Group A (those wo takes that seriously) confinement, testing necessities, impossibility to going back to work, before the health crisis will be under control,are mainly democrats and responsible republicans, yes they exist (Romney for example)...

The Group B is mostly constituted by republicans( underestimating and even negating the health crisis) that takes all the health crisis slightly (Rand Paul), that takes way more seriously the coming depression, that are more preoccupied by the economic crisis, without even understanding the link between the 2...It is simple: Market cannot assess price in total uncertainty period amid a non controlled health crisis... And Bail-outs will not save the economy except if the health crisis in controlled under 6 months...

The fact that Trump is at the head of group B, and promote to going to work, even before the crisis was controlled, and maintain this conditioning of the mind among the general population, create more polarization, impeach and obstruct an homogeneous action and response at all level of government,and more tragically in the general population day to day actions and reactions, all this  irrational  lack of action and contradictory stances of Trump wishful thinking will be see by future historians as the most stupid plan of action in all history amid a pandemic...

What I describe is only factual, feel free to bash me if it gives to your blinded soul some consolation....
The 880 page bill passed unanimously by the senate contains the following language:

  • Stop President Donald Trump and his family members’ businesses from receiving emergency taxpayer relief. The provision also applies to Vice President Mike Pence, heads of executive departments, members of Congress and their family members.
Why would a bipartisan senate include this language? 
The article is an opinion piece by James S. Robbins, whose views are qualified by USA Today as "...separate from those of this publication."  Robbins, who has devoted his considerable academic achievements to the service of conservatism, has written a piece here that needs no references to validity or truth because it is simply his "opinion". This leaves the reader with the choice of believing it or not.