Has anyone else auditioned something that really was terrible?

I decided to check out Rotel on current B&W 804's, since I figured these speakers would be most similar to my older 803"s.Even the sales person had to admit it was not something I would want to listen to for any length of time.Do people buy this for background music?For around $4000 for a CD and integrated amp, it was not impressive. to say the least. It actually sounded like my first preamp, a Crown IC something or other.
Someone gave me a 125 wpc Marantz surround receiver.  I plugged it in and listened for 5 minutes, then permanently re-boxed it to sell, if I ever get around to it. It is totally unlistemable.
Am I just spoiled?
I heard a Rogers Integrated with Magnapan 3.7i's. man did the music sound strained. Although the dealer commented on how good it sounded.

Not to step on any toes, offend anyone, or slay a sacred (cash) cow, but Wilson Audio Watts/Puppies.
I will have to listen to those the next time I visit my dealer, who also carries B&W.  Are Wilson's extra theatrical or something?  Should I ask the hear them on transistors, or Audio Research's giant tube amps?  You know, the ones that require a separate audio room A/C system.
"Jump on Bose asap dude!!" is a completely uncalled for response from EBM.  Take it elsewhere.  Should have been removed by the mods.  Unnecessary harmful commentary.