Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hi, Tom.  That’s the height I get in my new, lower listening chair. Still considering elevating my speaker using butcher-block atop brass cones/spikes, but have settled down for now...enjoyment-factor is just too good!


Welcome! back. I was thinking about plugging your power amp into the wall outlet instead of the BIT-15 conditioner. Report back if you hear/perceive a difference in the Bass output.  Take time to read through this thread as there are several 3.6 fans and members of the Panel.

Happy Listening!

Arvin - FWIW, the design ear height is 3' and distance 10'. Closer than 10' means greater sensitivity to height. But, some folks prefer the more mellow presentation of lower listening heights.
Feeling bored ?
Would you like to make a FREE improvement to the listening pleasure thru your Thiel speakers ?

I went into my speakers to see , take pictures  and prepare for the
re-wiring of the speakers and crossovers , the wire used by
Thiel is 18 awg and is constructed as 2 wire bundles running parallel .
I pulled the wire apart seperating them
and received a pleasant unexpected surprise , 
how could doing so little make a detectable difference , yet it did !

Go into your speaker thru the passive radiator
and pull or seperate the wire bundles apart ,
you can reach the incoming from the speaker post , 
the mid and tweeter up to the first cabinet brace 
and the bass all the way to the speaker .

Since you gave my speaker cable idea a try and found that 
it offered an improvement you know I'm not being totally crazy with my suggestions.
maybe you could try this on one of your speakers that you experiment on.

Wash Your Hands
Then Listen to the Music