Has anyone else auditioned something that really was terrible?

I decided to check out Rotel on current B&W 804's, since I figured these speakers would be most similar to my older 803"s.Even the sales person had to admit it was not something I would want to listen to for any length of time.Do people buy this for background music?For around $4000 for a CD and integrated amp, it was not impressive. to say the least. It actually sounded like my first preamp, a Crown IC something or other.
Someone gave me a 125 wpc Marantz surround receiver.  I plugged it in and listened for 5 minutes, then permanently re-boxed it to sell, if I ever get around to it. It is totally unlistemable.
Am I just spoiled?
Audioguy85:  Not at all. In fact, I mentioned some true crap that I currently own (Marantz 125wpc surround receiver, Bose speakers).  I also have friends who have far superior systems to mine. Additionally, my pal gave me a Bryston amp and preamp which are excellent, but a bit sloppy compared to my Audire.  I still really enjoy them, and am a bit surprised that there is any noticible dfference, on certain music.  My XM tuner is the weak link to my system, but I still enjoy the jazz channel.  It is about the music, not the latest addictoin.  I would really like some better speakers, but not enough to pay for them.  Not much in audio is worse than someone who insists on showing off some obscure swatch of music to prove how great his stuff is, rather than sharing a love of music.
In fact, I sold a GAS Thoebe for the same buddy.  It was really terrible.   Iheard why he upgraded to Bryston, even for his Bose towers, which I could listen to, but I would have to drop some music, and probably add some more.  As GAS designer James Bongoirno said, If six audiophiles choose a Cd or LP to play on each of the six systems, each piece chosen will sound best on his own system.   I like to add:  We choose components to make the music we love sound the best to us, and vice versa.. 
Went for a demo and they played their best system. CD with some sand amps and those weird Gallo speakers. They thought it was awesome. The music had the oddest single purple-grey color. I asked how much and they proudly told me in that smugness reserved for when they think you're trash. I had the satisfaction of telling them what I thought of the sound.
Another was a tube Concordant phono preamp. Bright and glaring like the sun. Dreadful.