Looking to upgrade floorstander speakers.
I'm looking to upgrade my current speakers which are the Ascend Acoustic Towers with Raal tweeter upgrade ($2800.). Previous speakers were Dynaudio Focus 260. I use one sub and feel it's needed for both speakers. I thought perhaps a pair of speakers in the $7500 to $10000 would suffice.The Ascends are nice but I want to get to the next level. I want the sound to be somewhere in between live, detailed sounding and dark, warm sounding. Also, I must guard against too much boom with a larger woofer. My pre/power is the Conrad-Johnson ET5/LP70S combo. The power amp is an all tube design at 70w into 8 ohms. My room is relatively small at 13' deep x 18.5' wide. I am only able to have the speakers away from back walls no more than 2 feet. Side wall distance is fine. Speakers are 9 ft. apart with sitting distance around 9 ft. as well. I have some Roomtunes spead thruout the room located between ceiling and back/side walls. There are some pictures on walls for extra damping. The walls in general are fairly bare and I know there are some reflections affecting the sound. I do not have room to install panels, bass traps, etc. I'm pretty much stuck with what I have because of the space. I'm not picky about dynamic or electrostats, open baffle, etc. However, I've been using dynamic for quite some time. I don't get to audition other speakers at home so unfortunately I will have to buy the speaker before hearing it. I have auditioned some speakers at a local hifi store but their acoustics are much different than mine.
I have considered Spendor D7/D9, Harbeth Super HL5, Martin Logan, Magnepan and others. Now lets have a discussion! Thanks.