Sales or clearances happening now

I noticed a HUGE sale at Cary Audio right now. My guess is that they want to keep cash flowing and that they were also going to offer some discounts at the (now cancelled) trade shows, so they budgeted for this, partly.

Has anyone else seen any major sales on gear in the last couple weeks?

[Caveat: I know there are many more important things happening, and that our country is in a crisis. I assume anyone reading this is doing so because they are not one of the people trying to save lives, and that they see reading or talking about audio as a way to stay sane. If this post devolves into something political, etc. I will unfollow End of caveat.]
PS Audio has either figured out how to leap ahead of both new and used, or they're going to go broke. But, wow. Hard to beat. If you want their stuff.
All Countries around the world are going into a form of a Lock Down.
There are no clear guidelines as to how long these measures will be enforced.
Incomes for millions are being lost, and frugal usage of any monies is the only option for Millions of People.
The Coffers for the bulk of populations are as good as empty or empty.
There are not too many people at present salivating about their next HiFi
Purchase or to the next level searching out discounted offers.

Vendors are feeling the change in the market, as their products fall into the luxury item sector, and are definitely non essential.
This sector of the market is under threat of collapse, if the experinces being had by many continue for a extended period.
I am sure there are plenty of new communications about the available products, as there is a lot of time on individuals hands at present,
so a days gap fill, can easily be to make a enquiry about a product.

I don’t see the vendors experiencing the remuneration for their work,
so are looking to promote a stimulus to achieve new customers.
If a individual can afford to make a wanted purchase, and this might not have a real impact on their finances in the months to come,
as a result of all the economic uncertainties that could be met,
then I am sure the Vendor will be appreciative of the support on offer,
whether all are still in business in the near future to support any sales contracts ??, that’s for the buyer to consider.
A excessive discount could easily be a stock dump. ’Caveat Emptor’.

If a individual can’t be certain of their economic situation over the next week, month, year as a result of these unprecedented times, then I can only say, not any level of discounting will protect ones finances,
if the purchases being made are for absolute luxury items as under discussion.

I fall into the latter type with limited disposable income, I am going through a unknown period of lock down.
I have purchased a few Vinyl Albums to add to the period of extended available time, so, a mix of the old and the new, to experience, hopefully a few new musical encounters for the sake of it, will be much more beneficial than determining whether a new device was worth the money, to be shortly followed up with the search for the next wonder device.

For many at present the Populations of Countries are experiencing themselves as ’Humans Being’ and not ’Humans Wanting’.

Embrace the unique moment, the markets will return with a vengeance, and put all back into unnatural practices.
@pindac Wonderful post. Very grounding. Thank you.
Given the national headlines about this virus, I have to confess it feels insane to be talking about this stuff. It is so irrelevant and so fantastical. If I thought that talking about the virus or places to donate money here would make a difference here, I'd do that. But my sense is that people here are well informed and/or are not here for yet another dose of what is filling their brainspace the rest of the day.

Personally, I'm working very hard on trying to manage family, parents, academic department through this crisis. Posting about this stuff helps me divert, distract, stay sane for all the other aspects of my life.
PS is selling manufacturer direct only now, so the prices are down from list, but actually more than the big dealers were actually selling them for, so in some sense new PS gear costs more now...
Well, I decided to do my bit to save the economy and ordered the PS Stellar Power Plant. To trim the outlay I’ll trade in the V-90 DAC. Just seems like a good deal and a good time to spend the money since we’re all supposed to get a $1,200 check soon. But now I’m going to have to buy some good power cables since I’ve never been convinced they were worth it unless a power conditioner was also involved.