Wolf Audio Server/Streamer Owners

I am the owner of a Red Wolf 2and I am looking to exchange ideas with other Wolf owners. For example,I haven’t even tried the multi channel capability of my unit and would like some information from those that have.For my part,I have tried different power cables and tweaks to get even more out of my unit.I stated out with an Alpha 2 upgraded to the Alpha 3 and finally the the Red Wold 2 so I have some experience with their gear but I still feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of it’s capabilities and I would really like to hear from others.
I too wanted to share my experience with my Wolf server. I have an Alpha 2. I was in the middle of seriously considering having Joe upgrade it to an Alpha 3x before the virus hit.  But, now alas have decided to reign things until this passes. On that note I hope you all are safe and well.

I am a 60+ year old audiophile so my computer skills are not what I would call my strength. This has been a non-issue given the absolutely incredible support I have received from Joe. I send an e mail to Joe looking for assistance and without fail, Joe has been there for me. That he can access my system  remotely makes things very easy for me.It has made my enjoyment of the server one of ease and free of any concerns.

As far as the performance, it is outstanding. I went from an Auralic Aries, now in a second system, to the Wolf. The upgrade in sound was obvious from the first moment I had it up and running.  Bass is taut, deep and impactful. The middle fill is all the more present, as is the sound stage. I have read reviews where reference has been made to a wall to wall and wrap around sound stage.  Never had that in my system; now I do!  Similarly, detail is that much better as are transients.

Botton line, although I did not audition any other servers, I could not be happier; well unless and until I step up the Wolf line.
A shout out of thanks and appreciation to the owners of Wolf Audio Servers who have posted here.

If any have conducted direct comparisons (in your own systems) versus other servers, can you share more? 
@david_ten I live out in the sticks so I am looking at a 3 hour drive to get to a store that would allow me to do comparisons and I would have to return it when I  am done so I had to do a little research of what was available online and Wolf Audio caught my attention. One of my criteria was customer service. Like pgleekel I am a baby boomer and I was sure I would need more than normal customer support and every time I needed help, Joseph was there so that criteria was addressed.
 My next criteria was I wanted a piece of gear built with high fidelity in mind not computing.For several years I had been using a custom gaming laptop with 1tb ssd, I7 chip and 32 gb of ram with J River. My personal opinion is that a laptop can be used for hifi and sometimes can sound pretty good but it isn’t a hifi device. I purchased a Wolf Alpha 2 that also had 1tb ssd, I7 chip and 32gb ram.Once  I got the Wolf fully broken in the laptop was relegated to a second system as the Wolf was obviously better. 
Having grown up with turntables it is pretty neat just to kick back and tap my I-pad to select what I want to play. If a guest asks for an artist or song that is not in my library I just slide into Tidal, Pandora, Spotify and their request is almost always fulfilled. I have also noticed that all my guests like to get the I-pad in their hands and be the DJ.
If you have a good system and you want to get the best out of it digitally you should try a server/streamer/ripper. 
@lwin   Thanks for your response. 

I started streaming around 2005 and have been streaming 100% since the late 2000s after walking away from a CDP / CDT based system.

It's clear from the posts in this thread that Wolf Audio's support of their customers is stellar. 

I would like to hear from those who have made direct comparisons with other Servers to get a better feel for differences / strengths / weakness as well as the relevant system chain, so I can extrapolate synergies.  Thank you!

Note: in addition to Wolf Audio, the following servers are under consideration: Pink Faun, Taiko, Innuos. 
@david_ten   Because of all the variables and the fact that so much depends on the associated equipment and the listener it's a challenge to offer meaningful comparisons. As a speaker manufacturer and knowing the challenges of being in the audio business I avoid judging other company's products unless we use them and have something positive to say. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to experience lots of different gear. Since we are not retailers of other equipment we are free to select any gear that we feel works with our system in our showrooms. Sorry for being long winded. I just wanted you to understand my point of view.

That being said, the Red Wolf 2 excels in dynamic contrast, detail retrieve, resolution and balance from top to bottom. We have used the Alpha 3 as well. They are easy to use and have many features. As mentioned before by others Joe is always there to offer support. As with all equipment, we encourage you to do your research, audition your choices and enjoy. Wolf Audio is worth pursing. I will be happy to share more thoughts if you care to call.