DAC question - is music streamer DAC better than mcintosh DA2?

I am planning to buy a MA12000 or MA9500 or MA8950, all of which have the new DAC (DA2) along with a music streamer. While I perusing the posts here, I see that several of you have suggested not to rely on the mcintosh's DA2 and instead, rely only on the music streamer's DAC. If that is true indeed, then what is the point of spending thousands of $$$$$ on a mcintosh? wouldn't a more reasonable (price-wise) manufacturer suffice? 

What are the other considerations for me to understand? Thank you :)


The DA2 card sounds really good for a built in DAC.   My Dad has a MA8950 and it sounds great.   Avoid Eversolo streamers as they do not recognize some DACs via USB, the DA2 is one of them.  

Lots of integrated amps have built in DACs.  That is the appeal, that you get all sorts of functionality in one box.  Those integrated amps also have phono stages but it’s likely that many folks would tell you to get an external one.  Only you can decide if it’s worth the money.  I have an MA8900 and use an external DAC but don’t for one minute regret buying the integrated amp or think I over paid for what I got.  I could happily live with the DA1 in my 8900 but chose to try something different.  The DA2 is a good DAC.  Buy a streamer with no internal DAC, which most would suggest you do rather than buying a streamer/DAC combo, hook it up to the DA2 and see what you think.  The value proposition of McIntosh is something only you can decide.  There are many excellent integrated amplifiers other than McIntosh, but some of the reasons people buy them are: sonic signature, reliability, support, American made, iconic brand with the blue meters, resale value. If you don’t like the idea of paying for an integrated with built in DAC and phono stage then you can buy separates.  Those separate units will likely cost you more overall than an integrated but you get to choose instead of the manufacturer doing it for you.  You also don’t need to spend $10k on an integrated to get really good performance.

Those big McIntosh integrated amps are excellent.  By big I mean the ones with autoformers.  Can drive 4 Ohm speakers all day long and barely get warm 

Purdy sure thats a ESS Sabre chip and you have to imagine a NOT slouchy implementation. 

@oddiofyl i can run mine all day and it barely breaks a sweat.  When I put my hand on the heat sinks they’re barely warm.  And it sounds outstanding.

Not many products you buy today are built as good as those amps.   75 years building them says a lot.  

All dacs/phono stages built into an integrated amp or separate preamp are comprises vs a good standalone. I had a newer high budget McIntosh preamp a couple of years ago with a built in dac and phono preamp, which didn’t sound anywhere close to my external dac and phono preamp. Now if you have a couple thousand $$$ external dac, then you should compare the dacs to see which 1 you like better.

Other than that, I like the McIntosh integrateds.

I have a MA12000 running NOS tubes.  My sole source is a Pro-Ject StreamBox Ultra 2, plugged into the internal Mac DAC.  It works great, sounds great, and takes up virtually no space.  And yes, the MA12000 never breaks a sweat, regardless of what it's driving.  

I have a MA 12000 also, with NOS tubes. I like it! The Dac in my Lumin T2 is a touch better than the DA2. But the DA2 beats the heck out of Bluesound Nodes, Cambridge's and the like. Plus... Whenever McIntosh decides to come out with a DA3, it is upgradeable. Buy once, cry once. Another thing I love about the integrated's is fewer power cords and interconnects. Now instead of purchasing many different cables, I can purchase one higher end cable. They add up! 

It was better then a few streamers i've had, including an Aurender A10. Mines in a C2700. took a much more expemcive DAC to outprefomr it. I'd say 4$k and up to get better. not different as many are just that.  

I started with an MA5300, after 1 year, upgraded to a MA8950.  I stream with a Bluesound. Node 2i.  I have two set of wonderful bookshelf speakers, Sonus Faber and Dynaudio (I know, crazy but I can’t decide which ones I like better).  I am always astounded by the beautiful sound I get out of this system and for quite a while, Ive been thinking of upgrading the streamer but haven’t cause what I got sounds that good.  From my research, I trust that the Dac module in the 8950 is perfectly competent. While hard to imagine a big improvement by upgrading the streamer, I know that’s where I should put my money, not in a DAC.  


Yes better streamers will net you better sound… I agree with you, it is usually hard to see how… until you hear the difference, then you know.

Sonus Faber and DynAudio are great speakers. If you could decide which you like better and sell both and upgrade at 2x you would probably be even happier.


Do not discount the quality of the DA2 DAC. I have an outboard DAC that retails for $19K, and it sounds glorious. As far as a price-to-performance ratio is concerned, the DA2 blows my expensive DAC away. You will need to spend upwards of $10K for a DAC to be clearly better than the DA2. Also, it is nonsense that we spend uber bucks for streamers; the DAC is the heart of the digital system.