Subwoofer insight.

This is new territory to me. Current speakers are 2 way with frequency response of 60Hz-20KHz with +/- 2dB.  Sensitivity rated as 86dB. Chance to purchase a pair of REL 7 tis. I feel like I am missing something but will have to buy the subs to try out. My basic question is this. Does this purchase sound wise? I know what I am willing to spend but do you think I will notice an appreciable improvement.  I know that no one can listen through my ears but this is my first time doing this. Source is 75 watt integrated tube amp, McIntosh MA-2275. Thoughts appreciated. I am leaning towards going forward with the deal but would appreciate some feedback. Room is large and open, 28X38 feet with 9 foot ceilings. Thanks for any feedback.
You guys won't give up.  MC you have a one track mind!!  I don't see any comment in this thread saying you only need one sub.  The OP actually has 2.  

Then ieales insists on something super complicated, or it's not even good enough for him to discuss (making me wonder why he keeps discussing it). 

Since when does a logo and chrome foot (actually mine don't have chrome feet, they are aluminum) have anything to do with the quality of the product?

You two should get together to talk about how right you both are.
Chaz, - 6 @19hz is getting closer. Now if REL can just go a little lower for less $. The RELs are pretty though.
I bin doin' dis a long time.
I got da tools.
Tryin' to set up subs w ½-arsed controls is a YUGE PITA.

IME, high level inputs w a toob amp is a bad idea. Transformers are current devices and many speaker impedances are all over the map in the low end, causing similar input vagaries to the sub. Ergo, the sub is mimicking the eff'd up main low end. BTDT.

Roll the low end out of the mains. If they were any good in the bottom, subs would not even be an issue.

My tongue is about an inch short from all the times I've bitten it when subjected to systems with ½-arsed subs.

As a composer friend once said on hearing my phase correct sub:

Those little speakers aren't putting out all that gorgeous bass?!?!?!?!?

- No, there's a subwoofer at the end of the sofa. -

Every other subwoofer I've ever heard just boomed!


Others on later phase correct systems:
- Joe Pass is sitting right there!
Man, your system is so precise!
- etc.

I’m so sorry ieales but I don’t understand what you are trying to say. Read it multiple times but still don’t get it. Any chance you could say it without the subliminal messaging?