Roon's update sounds really good

Is it just me, or did the update around March 27 make Roon streaming sound really good? 
I just hit the update button last night... but it seems like I am running 1.7 / 528 on the bridge
Oh, wait, my bad, I know what happened.

I changed the router channel to use a less congested one.

so it was just coincidental that you did this at the same time as a Roon firmware update? Maybe your SR fuse broke in and opened up at the same time ;-)

Oh, yeah yeah, I bought this new audiophile Wifi antenna, with a golden ratio double helix photonic quadratic grand unified theory of basilisk oil.  So long as I keep the basilisk oil topped off it sounds great! :)

Honestly I'm not sure what happened but I don't want to mess with it! :)

My best theory is that I moved from a channel that was more congested than the charts say. I found a completely unused 5 GHz channel and it improved my voice chat as well as my audio quality. Given all the built in buffering, etc. this should not happen.  In any case, I found the buffer size for the streamer and increased it to a full half second, hopefully this will reduce any more such issues.