@david_ten Because of all the variables and the fact that so much depends on the associated equipment and the listener it's a challenge to offer meaningful comparisons. As a speaker manufacturer and knowing the challenges of being in the audio business I avoid judging other company's products unless we use them and have something positive to say. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to experience lots of different gear. Since we are not retailers of other equipment we are free to select any gear that we feel works with our system in our showrooms. Sorry for being long winded. I just wanted you to understand my point of view.
That being said, the Red Wolf 2 excels in dynamic contrast, detail retrieve, resolution and balance from top to bottom. We have used the Alpha 3 as well. They are easy to use and have many features. As mentioned before by others Joe is always there to offer support. As with all equipment, we encourage you to do your research, audition your choices and enjoy. Wolf Audio is worth pursing. I will be happy to share more thoughts if you care to call.
That being said, the Red Wolf 2 excels in dynamic contrast, detail retrieve, resolution and balance from top to bottom. We have used the Alpha 3 as well. They are easy to use and have many features. As mentioned before by others Joe is always there to offer support. As with all equipment, we encourage you to do your research, audition your choices and enjoy. Wolf Audio is worth pursing. I will be happy to share more thoughts if you care to call.