Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms

I remember running into an audiophile who refused to consider anything about room acoustics. He bought speakers specifically for live, untreated rooms.

Anyone else? What was your solution?
Tall line source designs. Maybe the Sanders ESL. Diffusion on the wall behind the speakers.
Simulate and build to exact dimensions. The room has a unique quality as soon as you enter it - a quality to the silence. Music sounds good too.

That's my solution.
@erik_squires ...I've got a heater to contend with, so I hear your pain. ;)

..and then the ambient temp goes up...AC racket, yay..."It's always Something...."

@jsandman...Well, Walsh (and Ohms) do respond better to 'carefully treated spaces' because they're omnis..and depend on the room but in a different fashion.

Played loudly in a small space isn't something to recommend....unless you're not 'playing for nuance', *G*

At that point, you may as well put a dog door on the speaker enclosure and get in....;)

'Drive those demons away with dB's...' 😜
Erik. A very detailed and well-thought-out answer to your question is provided at http://www.linkwitzlab.com/. Like many, I have found my LX-mini’s, Orion’s and LX521.4’s fussy and time-consuming to get ’just right’. But I enjoy all that fussing. Did you ever get over the bridge to Corte Madera or up to Sea Ranch to hear Sigfried Linkwitz’s systems set up in his own spaces? I did. What did you think?