My post was more to encourage a projection of how ones finances might be in the not too distant future, as a result of the measures to be imposed on how a individual will be restricted in their daily activities.
These restrictions will for many mean a regular income will be affected,
and their economic situation will be undergoing unforeseen changes,
which will impact on how much disposable monies might be available, as well as enforce a change in the priorities for the monies that are available.
HiFi Purchases are luxuries, and those luxuries when costing the value of months outgoings for a home, will not be useful to a family needing to live with additional frugality down the line because of the expense of the purchases being made months prior.
The point being made, is not to bury ones head in the sand, the
COVID 19 Virus, is requiring extreme control measures,
that will create changes to peoples liberties overnight, and these changes for many will have a massive impact on the economic situation.
If one chooses to be a consumer during this period, then I am not in objection in any way.
I am undergoing a enforced lock down at present, and am making a few purchases that support my passion for my experience with HiFi.
One of those has been a few Vinyl Albums.
I have used forums to see Album Recommendations, I have made a shortlist and used Youtube to review some of the content on the shortlist, and produced the final list of purchases.
Interestingly the list has compiled of a couple of Olden Days Released,
and now 180g Reissued Albums, and a couple of Albums that are no more than two years released.
I also bought in a Quad Matched set of 5881 Valves for a Power Amp that has sat idling for too many years.
To support the industry, I did have to analyse the markets,
searching for discounts to make these purchases,
or have I been a waiting in the wings 'tyre kicking customer',
looking to make a insulting offer when a vendors weakness is smelt.
One vendor got really Irate with me when the testing they agreed to,
on their untested set of Valves, was postponed by the tester I had arranged, due to the tester not wanting to get involved during the enforced Lock Down.
Obviously, the vendors requirement to receive the monies,
was much more important than encouraging the individual who was to carry out the tests to keep safe and well, during these difficult times.
Keep Safe, Keep Well and Keep it Real