Bare cartridge design, Sumiko Blackbird Low Output

I need a cartridge to fill in while my other one is stuck up in NJ. (SS Zephyr mkiii)
I am interested in the Blackbird but I am not familiar with a bare design.

What do I need to know about this design, and does this make the cart more or less susceptible to issues such as static etc?

Thanks for the input.
I have owned a couple of the Blackbirds, but they were the HO version. Very nice sounding cartridge, reminded me  a lot of my ZYX, similar kind of voicing. 

As I remember the wires are pretty well protected by a channel guard. There are not flying out there in open air like the Benz Micro Glider. Owned a couple of those too, never knocked the tip off them either. 

Currently own an Ortofon A90 as one of my cartridges and it has that same type of design. No accidents here, and owned it for a few years. 

You have to use common sense, be aware of what you are doing, and treat your turntable with respect. They are not for everyone, as the ham handed will damage them. But if you have some self awareness this does not have to be the outcome. 

When I was young I damaged a couple of cartridges, but it hasn't happened in a lot of years. And I prefer to install my cartridges without stylus guards, as those can be difficult to manipulate. Or I have had more than one cartridge have those missing. The one for my ZYX is an absolute nightmare and difficult to install or take off when its bolted to its box, much less a tone arm. 

Blackbirds are nice cartridges. I have always wondered who designs and builds them for Sumiko. 
Booker, 100 cartridges! I can’t afford 1 new cart.
All mine, all 3, have been 2nd hand. And that is a dodgy practice. I have been fortunate at least. But 100? <<shakes head>>
Best money I ever spent was on my Hana tracks everything incredibly well, excellent build quality, a superb stylus protector, and it has alnico magnets! For a measly $ the way that stylus protector is an ingenious design as it supports the nuts while you tighten the cartridge screws. Delicacy, subtly, precise, warm, engaging, engrossing, involving, these are just some of my ways to describe the is the new denon 103 in my book...
Over 100 cartridges since the early 60's; many came with thrift store turntables which happened to have good cartridges on them, many purchased in the late 80's to mid 90's,by which time most everyone temporarily gave up on turntables. For example, I purchased a Thorens  TD 125 for $8.50 in 1989. I  gradually replaced the styli  on most of these turntables for the most reasonable prices compared to todays: Shures, Stantons, ADC's,Pickerings,Micro Acoustics, and almost all MM brands. That's how the 100  cartridges came about even though most of the TTs were redonated to the thrift stores [without cartridges.]