What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 



Too many manufacturers here bend the truth and "con the readers" in their advertising into believing, that if they say their amps are "stable" into 2ohms, they can drive 2ohms loads easily, this is a "con" and needs to stop.

Like I said so many times now, a "stable" amp into 2ohm load means it won’t oscillate blow up and take out speaker drivers, but it does not mean it can drive the loads we are talking about here.
If it did, then as I say once again, a Nad 3020 could drive the Sony SS AR1 talked about in another thread, or Wilson Alexia’s because "it’s also stable into 2ohms", which it has no chance of doing, and there are vary degrees of this, right up to big expensive amps

Look at unbiased tests and see if an amp can do it by looking at it’s wattage doubling performance into 8ohm, 4ohm then 2ohm and remain stable doing it, then you’ll know if it’s comfortable and able to drive 2ohms and "yawning while doing it".
Many can double from 8 to 4ohms, but fall off a cliff when presented with 2ohms, these manufacturers usually only give 8 and 4ohm wattages hoping you’ll think it can do it into 2ohm as well, almost another con. 

Cheers George

I have witnessed class D driving Thiel SC5 which belongs to a dear friend.  And It has no problem of driving the Thiel at all and sounds fantastic.  My friend own Krell FPB600.  I also know a customer who has the Kappa 9 and he likes his class D more than his McCormack DNA amp.
I personally own the Apogee 1 Ohm Scintillas and class D does wonder on these speakers.  Hope that helps

I personally own the Apogee 1 Ohm Scintillas and class D does wonder on these speakers. Hope that helps

I have witnessed class D driving Thiel CS5 And It has no problem of driving the Thiel at all and sounds fantastic. My friend own Krell FPB600.

36 posts nearly every one on Class-D amplification🤷‍♂️

You have been asked before by other members.

h2oaudio, welcome. A friendly note: the expected courtesy here is for those that are in the "business" regardless of how small an enterprise it may be, proclaim that each time they post. This is especially true if they're listed as a "private user".

Cheers George