Based on your follow-up answers, I would suggest that you at least consider the following:
Wilson speakers - Watt Puppy or Sophia's (assuming used is acceptable)
Thiel speakers - 3.7 would be very nice
Both of these, in my opinion will deliver very much in the categories you say are important. I have owned both brands and have powered both with ML (331.5 amp) and I currently own the 390S CDP. I am actually considering getting another ML amp. I currently run both Wilson W/P speakers and also Gemme Katana speakers.
Gemme would be another speaker for you to consider. They are a little more polite than both the Wilson and Thiels (definately more forgiving than both). They provide a different perspective with regards to sound staging, with more of the depth behind the speakers versus infront of the speakers (Wilson and Thiel both present a more forward sounding stage IMO). They use almost the same exact drivers as Thiel, yet produce a more neautral (or at least more polite) speaker. FWIW, they are beautiful to boot.
There are a lot of really good speakers in your price range and you have amps that can drive most anything you will be considering. I would suggest paying closer attention to people who have run ML amps (not trying to dis anybody though) as the amp speaker relationship is so important. There are a lot of other speakers I have heard and like, but if I haven't listened to them with the ML amps, I hesitate making a recommendation as I don't have first hand experience.
Also, I would strongly suggest you get rid of all that really junky, awful, crummy, bad for sound RealTraps stuff. If you send it to me, I'll be happy to take it to the landfill for you ;)
Heck, I'd even pay for shipping :-)