End-Game RCM thoughts/advice

I've been reading lots of posts about various methods of cleaning LPs, and there seems to be important pros and cons for pretty much every method and/or machine I've looked at.  That said:

I have an old VPI 16.5 that works well, and a recently acquired Vinyl Stack and a Chinese 6L US tank (done about 10 LPs in it so far, one at a time.  I think that an US cleaning, followed by rinse/vacuum on the 16.5 sounds better than just using the VPI.... I have not compared fluids/chemistries yet.  I use the Mo-Fi and AIVS fluids for the VPI, and Distilled water, IPA and a tiny bit of Liquinox in the US.....

I am not interested in doing 4 step processes, spending 20-30 minutes per side, etc.  I want great sound, but also want to spend my time listening to LPs, not cleaning them. Not judging, just know myself,.  In any case, I will probably keep the machines I have now (16.5 can be used for multi-step cleaning, if necessary, and Vinyl Stack for cleaning 3 LPs at a time, if I so chose).  (I also have a Spin-Clean and one of the Merrill, spray LP in the sink devices).

I am shopping for a daily driver, that cleans both sides at the same time, and does a great job (if not the absolute best job possible). If vacuum-based, I want someting more 'automated' than the 16.5,without giving up performance, for an US, something quieter than the Chinese US, that also dries, even if only 1 LP at a time)..I have narrowed it down to the Clearaudio Double Matrix (non sonic version), The Degritter, and the 2019 version of the Audiodesk Pro. (please ignore the price in your comments- it is the performance, convenience and logistics I am concerned with.

I am not interested in a Loricraft/Monks style machine, nor a single-side latewral move from the 16.5-it works well.,  A single-side automatic like the Nessie Vinykmaster might be in the running since I am told it is much quieter than the 16.5

Please comment and save my sanity (what's left of it anyway... working from home and have too much time on my hands....  Everyone stay well, happy and healthy/safe!

Anyone have a DeGritter that replaced a prior machine and have hands-on comparisons to offer?  I've done lots of 'research' on this, and many sane voices assert that fluids and technique matter as much or than which vacuum machine is used. That said, I really do want a toaster- i.e., insert record, push button....  time....  remove clean record... enjoy. 

I am confident that clean records sound better.  I am equally confident that the eaiser and quicker the machine is to use, the more likely it is that I'll actually clean my LPs.   Also, I am more inclinde to want to clean an LP just prior to playing IT, rather than batch-cleaning as a stand-alone activity.

PS Is there anything even resembling proof that any Ultrasonic Cleaning can/has actually damaged an LP?
I use the Kirmuss.

It is a slow s l o w s l o w process. But very very thorough. I must say that the scrubbing (which is part of the proces) plays a good part in dislodging dirt.
( I have solved the problem by getting my daughters to clean the records for me....:) )

WhatIi do not like about it is the Printer Concept.
Affordable machine. Very expensive cleaning fluid. One refill does me about 100 LP’s . I wish they would just sell the concentrate and let me buy my own water.

The end result is worth the effort. My records are pristine, quiter than ever ever before, and sound great.
Recently upgraded to the Degritter after many years using the VPI 16.5
I find the final outcome with the Degritter is better in all respects (visual and sound quality) than my best efforts with the VPI. For years I used the Audio Intelligence 3 step solutions with three separate wands and three separate brushes. I was satisfied with the previous process except for the intense effort and time involved. Now I place a record in the Degritter, push one button, and return in under 10 minutes to an exceptionally clean and dry album. Can not imagine going back to a vacuum RCM.
Friend has the Kirmuss and I've heard its benefits BUT it takes to long to clean just 1 record I'd rather be listening to music.