Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"

Midnight 3/27/2020 release.

I do appreciate the respectful tone this particular thread has evolved to.

Me too.......
Funny how some expect more from a musician/songwriter than our elected leaders. Protest music where art thou?

I thank you for your welcome Reubent. When I think of those times I think of how much better off working class people would be, and in essence the entire country, had he lived.

If anyone is serious about wanting to know who assassinated JFK, they will have to study Bobby and MLK's assassinations. All three men were assassinated by faceless nuts. There were also "Buffers" between the faceless nuts and the real perpetrators. Remember "buffers";

I make no cause and effect link between organized crime and those assassinations, just threw in the "Buffer" thing as humor, and to indicate the fact that "buffers" were used, as is always the case when the criminally insane rich and powerful are involved.
"Post Blood On the Tracks Dylan isn't worth...."
Pity so many early fans gave up on him. Sure he has had problems knowing which songs to put on an album. That has mostly been corrected by the Bootleg Series. Listen to "Tell Tale Signs" for later Dylan with great meaning and social relevance. Another Self Portrait made it clear that Dylan was at his singing and studio best even when he had writers block. The recent sessions with Johnny Cash are very fine listening too....
This JFK lament helps me mourn a loss that has festered way too long...just like staying in Mississippi...way too long (Tell Tale Signs).
At least the BOTT New York sessions shows Dylan had good taste in his sessions then - they are not better than the Minnesota sessions, they are just different but both are very fine music indeed.
I still miss JFK but thanks to the Bootleg series I dont miss hearing Dylan at his best.