I need advice for power cords

In my system there are 4 components that power cords are interchangeable.  They are PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier, PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube DAC, Manley Chinook phonostage and Dayton Audio sa1000 subwoofer amplifier.   Should they all be upgraded, if not all which one to change to give me the most improvements.  I can't go crazy on cost, 1k to spend.   I've followed along with many threads on this subject. Always looking to make improvements to sound quality.   Many of you have much more experience with cables than I do so what do you recommend and I can do the research.  On a side note my McIntosh MC75's are vintage so old thin manufacturer cables and probably shouldn't change them. 

Would upgrade all you can afford. I count 4-6 components.  Patrick Cullen cables are great and affordable for this.  cullencable.com
Owned a lot of cables and PC’s...results are always system dependent and subjective but for extreme performance and reasonable pricing I would recommend Anticables.  Super guys to work with and easy 30 day trial with free returns!

+1 on room! F I R S T!

Think of it this way

Many parts add up to the whole of your delivered sound.

Room dynamics (If the room is poor there’s only so much tweaking the rest can do) I’ve heard great sound from moderate gear in a stellar room and average to poor sound in a poor room from Cadillac gear.



Speakers (and placement)

Power (poor where I live and a AudioQuest Niagara helped a lot..did it ever)

The entire Wiring Harness. I think of the Wiring harness as a critical part of the equipment too (from the wall outlet out or in the wall if possible.) That two dollar outlet should be tossed and replaced.

Any 8-12 gauge shielded cords, heavy wires with robust male/female plugs for your power cords are better than an 16/18 gage fifty cent cord. Same goes for speaker wiring. In other words (even far lower cost) beefier wiring makes a difference! My two best cables are the ones into the power conditioner and  into the tube integrated. Gains are a big can of worms debated ad infinitum.

I have a "B" system and got some inexpensive Laspada audio (discounted on ebay too) and what a difference that made. Seriously.

Your hearing. What?

Yeah..so some of the above AND Anticables power cord.  Ya know, for the whole power cord part thingy!