I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!

I recently acquired a Pass XA30.5.  I have a LTA MZ2 on order to match with it, but in the meantime, I hooked it up to the preamp section of my Peachtree Nova300 using SE inputs/outputs.  I have Tekton Electron SE speakers and a Cambridge Audio CXC transport.  I found the sound of the Pass to be wooly, rolled off on the highs and not as clear or articulate as the Peachtree as an integrated.  There was a richness and liquidity to the sound but I lost detail and fidelity.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is the preamp section in the Peachtree not a good match with the Pass amp?  Is using the SE outputs severely compromising the SQ? I've read so many great things about the Pass XA30.5 and though it sounded good, I was kind of disappointed.  There was a trade-off with the Peachtree that I don't think I'm willing to make.  Anyone have any pointers or thoughts?

I love my Pass labs gear.  But you simply might prefer the peachtree more.  Nothing wrong with that.  If so, spend the money on Roon, tidal/qobuz and be happy.
Hopefully the LTA MZ2 will match up with your new amp and all will be honky dory.

Although I will say this, I am using my Peachtree Nova 150 currently as a preamp only and I think it does a fine job. Folks may not agree -without ever using it or hearing it in that application. 
I had a Nova150 several years ago and currently run a Pass XA30.8 in my main system today.  The two amps couldn't sound any more different.  I realize we all have different preferences for sound but to me the Peachtree sounded dry, brittle, and 2 dimensional - essentially all the cons that are often attributable to Class D amps (sometimes unfairly IMO).  The Pass on the other hand  is smooth, rich, and downright more musical to my ears - it's not even close.
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I had a nova 300 on loan and thought for the money it was really good. I never got the impression it was opening any hidden doors or unlocking my speakers. I considered Pass, but a hegel h360 won the contest with the speakers I had, the Revel salon 1 and h360 are Amazing, Imagine my disappointment when the salon 2's were a downgrade with that amp.  

It's common to find mismatches in this hobby regardless of price.