I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!

I recently acquired a Pass XA30.5.  I have a LTA MZ2 on order to match with it, but in the meantime, I hooked it up to the preamp section of my Peachtree Nova300 using SE inputs/outputs.  I have Tekton Electron SE speakers and a Cambridge Audio CXC transport.  I found the sound of the Pass to be wooly, rolled off on the highs and not as clear or articulate as the Peachtree as an integrated.  There was a richness and liquidity to the sound but I lost detail and fidelity.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is the preamp section in the Peachtree not a good match with the Pass amp?  Is using the SE outputs severely compromising the SQ? I've read so many great things about the Pass XA30.5 and though it sounded good, I was kind of disappointed.  There was a trade-off with the Peachtree that I don't think I'm willing to make.  Anyone have any pointers or thoughts?

I had a Nova150 several years ago and currently run a Pass XA30.8 in my main system today.  The two amps couldn't sound any more different.  I realize we all have different preferences for sound but to me the Peachtree sounded dry, brittle, and 2 dimensional - essentially all the cons that are often attributable to Class D amps (sometimes unfairly IMO).  The Pass on the other hand  is smooth, rich, and downright more musical to my ears - it's not even close.
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I had a nova 300 on loan and thought for the money it was really good. I never got the impression it was opening any hidden doors or unlocking my speakers. I considered Pass, but a hegel h360 won the contest with the speakers I had, the Revel salon 1 and h360 are Amazing, Imagine my disappointment when the salon 2's were a downgrade with that amp.  

It's common to find mismatches in this hobby regardless of price.
Here's what I think is going on, based on reading those who have listened to Pass and gave me more than pure fandom:

  • Pass is an acquired taste
  • Pass works best with certain old-school, high efficiency speakers, like Tannoy and Klipsch

If you have excellent hearing but didn't grow up with Pass or grow up with other amps that led you that way you are not going to like it.

The now old ICEPower ASP line is one I like to listen to more than Pass, after it has warmed up for a week. 

I like ICEpower more than Pass. I like Luxman and Ayre more than ICEpower.

This is actually a common situation for people who handle a lot of gear. As a reviewer I run into such things on a continual basis. I had all kinds of interesting outcomes with the Kinki Studio EX-M1+ integrated that can operate also in dedicated preamp or amp modes. Wildly different outcomes are possible depending upon which gear, cabling, etc. are used. So, don't be shocked or horrified at the result. 

I am of the camp that would say the preamp of the Peachtree was designed particularly for use with the internal Class D, and it should not be expected that it would excel with any given other amp. 

The fact is, no one knows the outcome of a combo of gear until it is tried.  I have often had unusual combinations of gear sound better/worse than any other possible combination/component. The performance spectrum and personal preference spectrum together is VERY wide.  

There are hundreds of outcomes when mixing gear, not to mention cabling, and it is very likely that the proper preamp with the Pass amp will bring that combo to another new threshold of sound quality. I would most definitely not blame the amp. This is why I build several systems when reviewing, because you don't know the innate character/capacity of the product unless you do. 

Just the other day I put together a rig with some Pass Labs amplification on review (No, not saying which) and the Exogal Comet DAC ahead of it. Outcome, just as you describe; too warm and lacking to my satisfaction in definition. Not a great combo, although I have made stunning rigs with both of these items with very satisfactory sound. 

Then, I went through an upgrade to the Small Green Computer sonicTransporter and SONOR Signature Rendu SE systemOptique that I reviewed and use for source. BOOM, now the same combo was rich, luxurious, no longer suffering the milky, indistinct sound. Had I tried it after the upgrades were done I would think the combo to be all that - and it is, given the "new" source. 

Ergo, all components, etc. combine to yield the result. It's just not as simple as this or that component is not good, is good, etc.