What speakers should I audition w/ a Mcintosh ma2

Just purchased a Mcintosh ma2275. I don't have any Audio stores in my area. What would the experienced audiophiles recommend I listen to, to mate up w/ my new system. My bonus room will house this system (approx 30 feet by 20 feet w/ "A" frame type ceiling.

A friend of mine is a recording engineer and volunteered to do an assessment of the acoustic status and potential of the space re: need for Bass traps etc.
I enjoy acoustic and electric jazz, R&B etc.. not to much into hard rock etc although I cant dismiss the classics ie Hendrix / Beatles .I guess I am a more mature listener
Nice speakers; think ATC will run circles around them if you like your music loud.
any info on either the Wilson Puppys or the B&W 802d. How would these pair up w/ a 2275 Mcintosh 75 w per channel