Guidocorona, first off let me say that there is no such thing as Balanced source to begin with. The balanced designs have very high CMRR and are very useful and required for production studios and other Pro applications where long cables are must. For home, it does not make ANY sense to use balanced gear. Why? Because the so called "true balanced" (or full differential) designs use the same amount of components for each phase per channel. What would you say, is it better to have 2 components on the signal path or is better to have 4? I vote for 2. The transformers I am going to use have Faradey shielded windings for much improved balance. Even in full differential design there is components mismatch so nothing is really perfect...;-) Why I am offering the Balanced is for people who do not agree that there is no benefit of it and insist on having it...:-)
Balanced = push pull. I still prefer SE Class A, nothing like it...;-)
Balanced = push pull. I still prefer SE Class A, nothing like it...;-)