Getting it on with Prog

Looks like there has not been a STEADY progressive rock thread here since 2006.

If you refrain from trolling me, I'm up for posting mini (one or two sentence) "reviews" of lps likely some of you are not aware of.

You're welcome to add your own reviews, with one stipulation:
I realize this is an audio forum ,so please refrain from the obvious which has been done to death  (like Genesis,Yes,Focus...)

And I don't want to hear no bloody  Porcupine Tree , Mars Volta,Dream Theater ,Tool, or bleeding Steven Wilson.
I have nothing new to add but....

Played my excellent copy of  Yes "Close to the Edge"  

What a spectacular piece of music. I nominate it as the equivalent  of Ludwig V's "Ode to Joy"

"I get up, I get down".... cue pipe organ-at MAX VOLUME! 
One of those pieces that puts me in an emotional space which very few do.

Haven't gone outside the "usual suspects" during my bin dive expeditions. This thread has been great for adding to my list.

Been revisiting my entire collection lately. Tubes been cookin overtime.
Forgot to add - or maybe was reluctant to add:
 Mychael Danna  played keyboards on Rock & Roll Machine by...errrrr... feckin'  Triumph !  Foxsake!
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