Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank You @beetlemania

Tom's solution looks like a more balanced increase in guage ,
than going from 15.5 mids to 11.5 which might be to much .

I"ll have to learn the hand twist +/- to 3 turns per inch ,
how much longer per foot does the twisting add ?
I have already worked with Caradas wire ,
I'm using a 96.5% tin , 3% silver and .5% copper bar in the solder pot .

I'm a 97.5% vinyl and 2.5% CD guy
( only because some albums are not available or to expensive ) . 

Do you bi-amp with your bi-wiring ?


I chose red and black wires and one of them had a slightly less flexible jacket, making the twisting a bit asymmetrical. Helped to have one end anchored as I twisted at the other. You definitely need to add length. I didn’t take notes on my raw and finished lengths. Maybe add 25%?

I am bi-wiring, not bi-amping. The latter probably results in the very best sound but I’ve been told that most of the benefit comes from the more affordable solution. My wife already thinks I’m crazy. I suppose it’s true :)

I believe you said that you have Cardas Golden Reference speaker cables ? 2 pair ?
Do you have 2 speaker outputs ?
If both of the above have you tried using 1 cable for each polarity ?

DIY is crazy , crazy fun .


My amp has only one output per channel but they are Cardas binding posts (identical to what I put on the Thiels) which accept spades from either side. No issue to hookup two runs. Even tri-wiring would probably fit on a single post if your speaker had a corresponding XO.
If I understand your other question, no. And I can longer try that as I sent my jumpers to Tom Thiel for his experimentation.

I have a couple of pics on my system page.