Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
My amp has only one output per channel but they are Cardas binding posts (identical to what I put on the Thiels) which accept spades from either side. No issue to hookup two runs. Even tri-wiring would probably fit on a single post if your speaker had a corresponding XO.
If I understand your other question, no. And I can longer try that as I sent my jumpers to Tom Thiel for his experimentation.

I have a couple of pics on my system page.
I looked at your systems page ,
you do have 2 GR bi-wired cables !
Base crossover wiring on the bottom and mid/tweeter on top ?

Try taking cable #1 and make it + , both black and red at the amp
take cable #2 and make it - , both black and red at the amp 
at the speaker end take cable #1 black to bass + and red to m/t +
then cable #2 black to bass - and red to m/t -
( I think I got this correct )

Give this a try and let everyone know what you hear .

Everything is fine here, albeit a bit "On The Beach" for everyone.  I live out in the 'burbs (close to Stony Brook U.) so maintaining the socially acceptable distance between humans is not as difficult as it is for Manhattan residents.  My sister resides in lower Manhattan and her best descriptions repeat "surreal" over and over.  Even out here in the 'burbs the optics can be off-putting - shopping mall parking lots completely empty, playgrounds and small local parks cordoned off with crime-scene tape,  gasoline at $2.09 a gallon!   Aaargh!

I just picked up a pair of Usher Audio X-719 stand mounted monitors whilst I await the sale of my Totem Acoustic Rainmakers.  (My Thiel CS2.4's are committed to)  I have a great deal of admiration for the Rainmakers,  but I discovered that my living room might just be a tad too large for them to truly shine.  I had a pair of these a few years ago with different amplification, so that might also be a contribution.  The X-719's have a slightly larger woofer which has fleshed out the pressurization admirably;  they are ported,  and I do detect a smidgen of bass bloom on some music so I am currently looking to fashion some foam plugs for the ports to see what happens.  (I have posted a pic on my virtual systems page.)

In the past,  among many other things since joining this confounded community,  I owned a pair of Usher's CP-6311 floorstanders which I enjoyed a LOT,  so I was already somewhat familiar with their performance/sonics.  Like the Rainmakers the x-719's are bi-wwire capable and I am awaiting a pair of Bluejeans cables with banana plugs fore and aft - the space on the Rainmakers and the X-719's is a royal pain in the ass to monkey around bi-wiring with spades.  I am now using a pair of non-descript bi-wire cables that I rastled from the snake pit of accessories I keep near the main setup.  And to think I used to just toss things away willy-nilly...

Other than that I have been enjoying the heck out of my Qobuz subscription.  I have totally abandoned Apple's iTunes and its replacement,  Music.  It just stinks.  I've used Tidal in the past and enjoyed it,  but Qobuz is $14.99 monthly for the high-rez while Tidal is $19.99.  Admittedly,  Tidal's catalogue is deeper,  but as I discovered through my memberships on each,  one has slightly differing catalogues than the other in terms of depth,  but that probably has more to do with obtaining the rights/licensing etc., etc.,  etc.  Not a big deal at all considering that I use the service as a complement to my collection,  not a replacement or subsitute.  In the absolute end,  done at near-field listening comparison,  Qobuz just sounded BETTER.

Sheesh - i went on a bit here,  aye?  Chalk it up to the virus and time on hand!

Be well,  stay safe,  and turn it up!

OK, I think I understand now. I’ll give it a whirl, maybe later this week. Probably need to let the cables settle a bit after I change ‘em. (I can hear Prof sighing)
Thanks , 
when I made my speaker cables there were 2 main variables 
replacing the 2 x 11.5 awg ( 8.5 awg )  Neutral Reference speaker cables
with 1 x 9.5 awg chassis wire 
and keeping them sperated to eliminate capacitance .
I was well rewarded by doing this
but I can't tell which change had the most positive affect .