1. The skin effect is only an issue in high-frequency applications. 20kHz is the highest frequency that humans can hear. If we calculate the skin effect on a 12 AWG speaker cable like Gene from Audioholics does in this article, we find that the skin effect results in a loss of only -.014dB. Your speakers, room acoustics, and the human ear have a much larger effect on your sound than the skin effect.
2. Cable break-in
Don’t be fooled - any company that claims this thinks they can trick you into hearing better sound after a month or two. “Break-in” is a commonly used term throughout the industry. It is the idea that the dielectric of a cable changes and aligns itself to the electromagnetic field of the signal traveling through the conductors.
The Truth is, maybe not the truth.
As I got older I learned not to make statements without really listening.. Honestly, the crew your working with, can hear REALLY well? Do you have a reference point on "whos got the chops" "THE EARS" in the bunch.. Get hearing test done see who can actually hear well. START there.. No late night BASS parties, night before testing. 200.00 usd get a hear test done..or Group discounts?
THEN the truth is,
If you can't hear the difference in cabling you best stick to making BASS box cable, you admit bigger is better, so you're halfway there already.
Now just make it pretty...
I want to touch "CAN ONLY hear to 20kh". This is not an accurate statement. Some people have hypersensitive hearing, 24kh. I met one at Stanford. I have it also (20 + then), a blessing and a curse. Lives with noise suppression devices in his ears.. I was being fitted for the same..Quite a few Audiofilers have trained themselves and have GOOD ears...They also protect them.. THE EARS...
The same goes for those who can't hear well, I worked with a lot of mechanics that did not take care of their hearing (BASS HEADS). They were dashboard drummers, only because they couldn't hear it, they could only feel it.
Breaking in, Cryo, and direction are hype... WOW, if you can't hear a difference in direction reversal after a breakin, stick to the bass cables, really. Cryo, I didn't believe, UNTIL, I ABCDed and found a difference. A good difference. Even handling a cable rough after treatment makes a difference..Not allowing static discharge on cable ends..Sealing ends when not in use...
Secondly there are networks in cables and have been for a while. Reversal will put the inductor and HF networks at the wrong ends of the cable..What happens then? Could mess up the network? maybe.
Why do my ears BLEED, when an interconnect (RCA) is backwards, or muddy just out of the box if there is no direction on it, (not cooked). 2-20 hours later the muddy or muffled sound clears up..usually, Alu/copper clad usually won't. Some will but never sound full, complete..FAT...
I touched on just a couple of your statements.. I would urge you to do a LOT more research on you own, and LISTEN.
dragon1952179 posts04-02-2020 12:47pmshieldedaudio
Science can’t even explain how a freakin’ bicycle works yet. Since you’re so smart maybe you can.
" How Bicycles Work
I love the post.. The answer is simple. Has nothing to do with the bicycle.
It is the person that's on it. Bicycles don't stand on their own, and most people don't need a kickstands.. There are those that have lost the use of a body appendage, but are very stable.. Unicycle?? Tightrope walkers. heck a dog a bear and a chipmunk can ride a bike...LOL crack me up..
Respectfully and with regard to your forum.