This is supposed to be a forum to pose question and exchange ideas about audio. Why do you prefer to turn it into a platform for you to critique both the questions and responses from forum members? Obviously playing this role gives you some sense of self validation but it really isn't in a positive spirit. You're like trying to be some martyr who suffers fools all day, and despite the agony you endure listening to the substandard drivel, you still offer nuggets of wisdom to the undeserving masses. You just give and give don't you?...(gag)
Sorry, but its been a long day of silly questions- and even worse replies.
This is supposed to be a forum to pose question and exchange ideas about audio. Why do you prefer to turn it into a platform for you to critique both the questions and responses from forum members? Obviously playing this role gives you some sense of self validation but it really isn't in a positive spirit. You're like trying to be some martyr who suffers fools all day, and despite the agony you endure listening to the substandard drivel, you still offer nuggets of wisdom to the undeserving masses. You just give and give don't you?...(gag)