Add an external DAC. Make my Oppo UDP-205 a true top player

I am not sold on my Oppo UDP-205 audio reproduction.  .  It plays all formats, but audio needs improvement.   Looking for audiophiles that have felt the same a bought a DAC..  Which one did you buy.  What works really well?
Prior to selling my 205, I found a large improvement in sonics by placing a Vibrapod 4 under each foot. I never found Vibrapods to do anything particularly worthwhile in the past, but they seemed to make a significant improvement on the Oppo. You might even have some lying around. Cant’ hurt to try. Well, I guess you would be out $25 or so, but that’s not much in the audio game.
Holy S&^$t, I forgot to mention Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter. It looks like smoked mylar, costs ~ $40. The user cuts the pieces to fit in the cd tray. It magically removes/absorbs/eliminates... the scattered laser light inside the player/transport. I guarantee your jaw will drop

Absolutely a must have product. Try it before buying anything else

The issue with an outboard dac is everything matters; the type/quality of the cable, the power cord, of course it will need to be properly isolated= mo money mo money mo money

I was able to reserve a spot on the last production list. The Oppo-205 did everything I had read about audio wise. But I had some frustrations arise pretty quickly. As I purchased to use this exclusively as a stand alone DAC, I did not like having to run HDMI out and having to have a monitor on to be able to easily see whats going on deep in the players menu. I also missed easily transitioning between my various sources. As I rarely watch DVDs or play CDs  (mostly stream at this point), I went in search of other options. I know, then why did I buy it?! Like a lot of the hot items we read about ...I had to have it to see if it lived up to the "press". It did in many ways and best of all it was highly sought after putting it up for sale.
After establishing that I wanted a DAC that also was easy to stream with, I settled on the Cary DMS-500. As I never can sit still without messing with knobs and other features on a given product, I LOVED the TruBit™ DSD & PCM Upsampling.  Now I can hear and compare how any given song is effected instantly switching from 48kHz--->up to DSD256 with a simple remote button push.. I don't have to choose a side in this debate on what sounds best or why! They ALL can sound GREAT. Best of all I can hear them all very quickly. Just a hint-many sound exactly the same. But And instead of having to hook up a TV I can look at the large screen found on the Cary......But it doesn't end there.  On the days I feel the need to hear NOS and tube warmth I have also added the MHDT Orchid. It is awesome in its own respects. I told you -it never ends.
It would be difficult to improve upon the 205.  I have one and it is approx equal to my W4S Dac (latest model- but sold).  It is however behind the Matrix Audio X-Sabre Pro that I now have. All three of these run the latest ESS chip.  As a suggestion you can get a small - very small - improvement in your Oppo if you (1) open it up and place some dynamat inside, especially over the drive unit; and (2) place the unit on Sorbothane footers.  (3) Ensure it is level. (4) Depending on your preamp and other gear there may be some benefit in using the balanced XLR connection. 
I had an Accustic Arts Dac in my system for a two week trial.  It had tubes and produced a very polished sound.  It also looked good on the shelf.  In the end I did not go for it as the improvement over the W4S was not sufficient to justify the large price. 
For a sideways move you can try a Marantz or, better still, a Dac by Gieseler Audio.  They are based on the AKM chip.  
Apart from that you have to move to FPGA or Ladder resister type.  I have not heard either of these types but they are expensive.  
i bought a NAD D1050 DAC that i use in conjunction with my Oppo 103. much better than the DAC in the 103. the pair sound phenomenal, but i would be interested in what others in the Oppo community have experienced. i originally considered the 105 but the 103/NAD combo sounded better and cost was about the same.  i heard the 205 and think it's much better than the 105, maybe less edgy, very textured, full sounding.  the 205 would be hard to beat, but just try and find one now.  the prices have gone through the roof.  RIP Oppo