Choosing between floorstanding speakers.

HI, i am new here so first of all thanks for reading. I want to upgrade the front speakers in my home theatre. Currently I have an old pair of B&W 603S2 hooked to a Marantz NR 1606 on Pre - amps with a Crown li800 Amp. I have 3 options.
1) A pair of CM10 S2, they are asking about 2K (which is a bit over my budget but local pick up) 2) A pair or 802 S3, almost the same price 3) A pair of the new 600 Series (603) for almost 300 USD less. 
I love audio, my usage of that set is mainly movies from BluRay 4K and the usual streaming services. I might listen to music every once in a while but is not its main use.

Thanks for your responses.

What’s your budget, what do you like about your current speakers, and what aspects are you looking to improve upon?
My budget is 1800, but i could be flexible. I like clarity and good bass.
My current speakers lack a bit of strength already and tweeters are damaged so that is not helping on the clarity side. My current setup is a bit unbalance since my rear speakers are CM5s and the center is a Cm Center but front are not that bigger and have been damaged a  bit over the years.
You don’t mention a sub.  If you don’t have one I’d get something like the CM5 monitors (or whichever monitors best match your center, which is key) and use the rest of your budget to buy something like an SVS PB2000 sub.  Adding a good sub will bring you far more HT enjoyment than floorstanding front speakers, and the monitors will work just fine in that role.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.