Best Preamp round $8000

Was looking at picking up either a used Mcintosh C1100 or a used AR Ref 6.
Being offered both around 8000. A audiogon member said I should start a thread about this because he felt that both preamps are overated and he owned both at 1 time. Would love members thoughts. Also on a completely different preamp I was being offered the ML 526 at $10,000. Thanks
I would encourage you to check out my Art Audio Conductor.  I was using a PS Audio BHK with Tunsgram tubes prior to my Art Audio relationship and was pleasantly surprised at relative imaging.  I found the soundstage on the Art Audio to be quite a bit wider than the PS Audio.  I have my demo listed for $6750 while it is new for $8499.  Haven't put it up against the ARC Ref 6 but it is a darn nice unit.  
I have the Luxman CL38-U SE. I've had it for 2 years and it can compete w/anything in th 5-10K price range. Very conservative on tubes. As quiet as the day I bought it. Plus the phono is excellent. A3 tube design w/4 step up transformers. 2 for MC High and 2 for MC low. Has tone controls and a mono switch. Luxman has an excellent reputation building tube gear.