Please recommend a receiver/integated/seaprates for JBL studio 530.

My old Denon DRA-355 died on me recently.  My JBLs never sounded better with anything else, even with way more expensive integrated and/or separates.  Does anyone know of another component or separates that sound like the DRA-355?  That combo sounded magical.  It was perfect, for me at least.  So much lush, liquid, juicy sound.  Bass to boot, and perfect.  Nice, punchy, and tight, not boomy at all.  Very articulate, plenty of control.  I thought about repairing it, but I'm probably better off just getting something else, whether new or used.   That little cheap receiver was phenomenal.  I've never experienced Marantz, Cambridge and those similar guys, so i have no idea how their house sound would be with my JBLs.   Any thoughts? 
I have JBL 580 speakers. I had very good results with this amp Black Ice 
Underwood hifi has this integrated on sale
gor $1100 regular price $1800.
check it out
"PS- in the time it took me to write this yogiboy obliged with just what was expected. So I was right. Yet again."
You’re a legend in your own mind!!!!!

Yogi:  I've tried a much newer Denon and it came up short, man. No guts whatsoever. Really disappointed cuz i thought it would better the small Denon. 

54:  I have the 590s and are perfectly happy with that set-up.  I'm looking for a match for my 530s.  I appreciate it, though.  That Black Ice looks sharp!!!  A bit more than what I'd like to spend for my 530s.
Miller:  I've had good tube amps in the past.  Shame I don't have one now to try them with the 530s.  They might be the answer.  Who knows?
Rogue Cronus Magnum would be a very nice match.

A different way to go with great sound and all the digital and analog inputs you might ever want is Bel Canto c5i.
OK, I'd like to keep this under $500.   That Denon receiver was about $250 brand new, at least 10 yrs ago.   I'm not trying to be a tight wad, but this is my secondary system. I'm convinced that i can get a similar sound as the 355. The problem is, with what???  If I'm gonna spend upwards of a grand, I'm getting a new pre-amp for my main rig, which i don't want to do just yet.