Herron VTSP-2a vs EAR 324

Has anyone heard both of these phono preamps? I'd love to hear impressions. I've had the Herron so I know what it sounds like so I'm using it as a point of reference, but I'm thinking of a non tube phone preamp. Cartridge is a Decca London Super Gold so I'm using MM only.

@dhcod, Here’s some info that may be of some value and/or use to you:

Long time Decca user and enthusiast Ken Kessler of Hi-Fi News & Record Review reviewed the 324, and loved it. But then he’s a big Tim de Paravicini fan ;-) . Look up the review for more details. Ken noted one interesting feature of the 324: it has a 15k resistance setting on the MM input, which Decca cartridges like to work into (some feel).

The Zesto Andros phono stage does too. Suspecting designer George Counnas put it there for a reason, I asked him (at the S.California Hi-Fi Show a few years back) if the 15k setting was for Deccas. He said yes, he put that in for the fair number of industry people he knows who use Deccas. You’re in good company!

The most important ability of a phono stage for use with Deccas/Londons is the amp’s overload margin: how much signal it can handle without distorting. That 5mV output of Decca/Londons is too hot for many phone amps, which are optimized for low output cartridges. The Schitt Audio Mani has an input labeled "Decca Mode", providing only 30dB of gain!

Another good solid state phono stage for Deccas is the Liberty Audio B2B-1, which has the highest overload capability of any phono stage John Atkinson has ever measured, regardless of price. Mike Fremer reviewed it, and found it to have a slightly solid state (it uses FET’s) sound, in both good (extremely good bass) and not-so-good ways. Read his review for more info.

By-the-way, if you are tempted by the EAR 324 currently listed here on Audiogon, $2500 is an excellent price, and if I had the spare dough right now I’d buy it myself! I’m very happy with my Herron VTPH-1mm, but wouldn’t mind having both. ;-) Another by-the-way: the improvements made to bring the VTPH into -2 status are mostly in the mc section of the amp. If you aren’t using the mc input, the -1mm might be all you need. Good luck finding one, though! I got mine directly from Keith, who had one that had been traded in. He updated it, burned in and tested it, and sent along extra tubes to provide both 42dB and 44dB of gain. Great guy, great phono stage.

You might want to take a look at Whest audio pre amps Best Phonostage and Phono Pre-Amp for Vinyl once you own a Whest pre amp you will only stay with them, check out their reviews.
I have an 324 and think its the best ive had. Low noise and very smooth ,dynamic,and articulate. Never owned a herron but i have had an aesthetix rhea, no comparison. Then I upgraded the aethetix to the signature model(+$3000) with all nos tubes($$  ?)It was very close, had a hard time deciding but I sold the aesthetix and kept the ear. Also owned a BAT p5, and mcintosh pre with phono. Ear was better. I have heard many sytems that are very expensive and can't imagine that an ear 324 would be the weak link.  However, my cartridges all are moving coil, I don't know how the mm stage sounds.
I know where there is a Herron MM phono preamp for a good price.  Keith’s stuff is fantastic, the EAR stuff is good as well but I am more of a tube guy myself....the Best SS phono preamp for a decent price was the RCM Sensor II.  Good luck1
@dhcod: Say, have you tried 5751 tubes in place of the stock 12AX7's in your Herron? They're interchangeable, 5751's just providing less gain than 12AX7's. Deccas hardly need the extra gain, and the 5751 may afford a greater overload margin. Frank Van Alstine uses 5751's in his Dynaco PAS mod, and the AVA PAS 2 I had in the '80's was the quietest tube pre I've ever owned.