Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive

I'd like to know your thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of each drive system. I can see that direct drive is more in vogue over the last few years but is it superior to the other drive systems? I've had first-hand experiences with two out of the three drive systems but looking to learn more.

How did you test for ringing?  A test record and your ears or some sort of test equipment?  Seeing those frequencies are at the heart of the midrange what did you hear when you played music.  I am truly curious.

@tomwh , Suspended the pieces with string or rope and tapped with a small piece of softwood. It was easier to match the frequency to piano keys than to set up a microphone, Revox, and frequency counter; and my spectrum analyzer is old and too heavy to move around, and not necessary for this. On the piano, the fundamentals were one and three octaves above middle C.

When the two were stacked on the spindle, the combination was dead, dead, dead. So when I play music, no colouration of any kind.
@chakster thanks for that suggestion. The weight shouldn't be a problem, as the standard rubber mat is probably not much lighter. I use an Orsonic DS-500 clamp (weighing 500 grams) with the Pioneer, but could always replace it with DS-250 at half that weight to compensate if need be.