Oscilloscopes - what specs to look for?


I'm gonna get me an oscilloscope. I'm going to use it to mainly fiddle with home audio equipment, like hifi amps, and perhaps try to fix this and that other electrical appliance. 

What should I make sure I've got covered?

Some say 50Mhz is good, others 100Mhz. I've also realized memory depth is important, but what is enough? I see oscilloscopes can easily top the overall price of my hifi system if I'd really want to. 
I was considering an oscilloscope several years ago and during my research came across this guy.  First video is his feelings about the cheap PC based USB oscilloscope devices:


Here's his review on a similar Siglent:

Here's his review on the Rigol DS1054Z:

The guy is very entertaining and the videos will help you with how these scopes are actually used.  I ended up not getting a scope, but in my reviews I was siding towards the Rigol models and would get a step up model, such as the DS2202A.  It's only 2 inputs, but a higher 2GS/s sampling rate.
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I agree about modern digital scopes are the way to go.

As a no-longer professional, if I had to start all over again as a student I’d look for combo systems though, get all 3 of your needs in terns of signal generation, measurement and observation.

If you are starting into the hobby, you may even do well with NO scope at all. Just use your PC’s sound card for the signal generation, measurements until you’ve learned what the limits are and where you want to go. In the audio spectrum, what a PC can do is amazing (compared to the 1980s), and certainly good enough to work your way through most Op Amp and simple amplifier text books with the right software, some of it free.

Of course, who doesn’t want the best gear possible? But if you are starting... save your money for text books, courses and experimental parts.


Thank you all for the help! I ended up getting a lightly used Rigol 1054z. And yes. You can hack it to unlock 100Mhz, increasing from 50Mhz, more memory (24M) and some advanced features.