SS amp for Merlin VSMs?

Is there anyone who has found an SS amp that they prefer to tube amps with their Merlins? I have most recently owned CAT JL2, Atma-spehre M-60, Music Reference RM9 Special Edition and RM10MKII, Quicksilver V4s, and the Ars Sonum integrated (In each and everyone sound terrific with the Merlins). For SS, I did try Pass XA30.5 and First Watt Aleph J, but did not prefer them to my tube amps (I now use Music Reference RM10s - summer; and the Atma-spehere M60s the rest of the year).

So, any great SS sucess stories with the Merlins up against the kind of tube gear I have owned? Or is that just a elusive chase?
The Stellovox looks very interesting and I had never heard of it before. Might be problematic with tube and or passive linestages with its very low input impedance. The Sugden is one of that amps (as an integrated) that I have been very interested in, but not sure anyone has actually used them with Merlins, nevertheless they seem to be well thought of. LFD MKIII or IV also on my short list for consideration.
paul, we have a number of people using the sugden with different versions of the tsm.
they all speak very highly of it.
I was looking to upgrade my Joule 100w otl's, sonics wise - I listened to a LOT of stuff, and found the 200 series of amps from Blue Circle to best the Joule here (HUGE stage)... It is SS and way less heat. And as trouble/worry free as it gets... I can now leave my system on 24/7 on the weekends when I have time to listen. Not saying the Joule is bad, cause it is most certainly not! I just fell for the BC sounds is all. I wasn't looking to cut down the heat, or use something easier than the Joule... but that is a side benefit to the upgrade in sonics here!