50 foot cables?

Hi, I need two 50 foot cables for my stereo. (Amp is Rogue Tempest tube and speakers are Audio Physic sparks.) Does anyone have recommendations for something affordable? Ideally less than $500, if thats feasible.
Thanks a lot!
That is a very long distance, if you are asking about speaker cables.
Especially so when wanting something good for under $500.

Given the extreme distance, I recommend Audioquest cables with the DBS. Unfortunately, I doubt you will score a pair used at your desired length, but I think the DBS will be something that will aid in signal degradation- something that will occur at such extreme lengths.
I have tried Transparent and found them lacking, and also super expensive, compared to AQ.

$500.00 for 50ft will be cheap garbage.Make it much shorter or suffer a big sound loss.Good luck!!
Thanks for all of this. I could potentially drill a hole under our floor, run them under floorboards and instead they'd be 25 feet. Worth that instead?
Next time you're upgrading, think about separates. Running long interconnects is less problematic than long speaker cables.