SS amp for Merlin VSMs?

Is there anyone who has found an SS amp that they prefer to tube amps with their Merlins? I have most recently owned CAT JL2, Atma-spehre M-60, Music Reference RM9 Special Edition and RM10MKII, Quicksilver V4s, and the Ars Sonum integrated (In each and everyone sound terrific with the Merlins). For SS, I did try Pass XA30.5 and First Watt Aleph J, but did not prefer them to my tube amps (I now use Music Reference RM10s - summer; and the Atma-spehere M60s the rest of the year).

So, any great SS sucess stories with the Merlins up against the kind of tube gear I have owned? Or is that just a elusive chase?
Arj, this sounds to me like it could be be a cable problem, not a problem with the speakers, per se, IMHO. Out of the box I was disappointed with my Merlins until I chose the right cabling and plugs for them. Now they sound amazing. If you feed them with cables that are "bright" then "bright" will come out the other end. I have found that it takes a lot of experimenting with cables and plugs to get it right with the Merlins -- ICs, SCs and PCs. I was amazed at how much their sound changed as I changed cabling. It seems like their ability to deliver improved sound is limitless -- only limited by what they are fed with.

There is a pair of deHavilland GM-70's on agon. I don't know of anything that would sound better.

They won't heat your house however.

Ok, tweeter aside, back to the OP!

I've recently tried a Luxman L-590aII integrated on my VSM-MXR speakers and thought the pairing very interesting. Like the Sugden, the Luxman class-A sound might be considered by some to be a bit euphonic, but that said, it was a fine companion.

I'd be interested in finding a nice, linear grain-free amp/pre combo that has great extension without sacrificing the mids. Doesn't have to be a "tube-replacement", but that'd be nice. LOL.
I have found that my amplifier is just the beginning of the story with my Merlins. Too much emphasis is placed on the amplifier here without talking about the synergy of the Merlins with cabling and plugs, IMHO. The amplifier does not stand alone nor do the Merlins. They are both only as good as the cabling that is fed into them and the cabling that comes out of them, as well as the CDP. There is a huge difference to be heard with the Merlins depending on the cabling attached to them, assuming you have a good amp and a good CDP in your system.

I understand when one is quickly tempted to ascribe any short-comings in the sound to the Merlins or the amplifier or the CD player when, in fact, those short-comings are often due to cabling and plugs. Before I upgraded my cabling and plugs I was ascribing short-comings in the sound of my system to one or another of its components. Having heard the sound improve greatly with changes in cabling and plugs I realize that it was not the components that were at fault. I was at fault for not realizing that cabling and plugs are also components. Not having the "right" cabling and plugs for your system brings the system down to the weakest link in the chain.
imho, the room/treatments, the speakers, the cables and connections, sources, line level and amplification with good clean ac is my order of preference/importance. they are placed in the order of the biggest possible change in sound for the least amount of money spent.
food for thought.
best, bobby at merlin