You pose some very good questions. It seems there was an initial buzz of excitement when the McCormack piece first came out based on the first review. However, subsequent reviews and owners comments have either been mixed or only mildy positive. And as you mentioned the latest Stereophile review was not very complemetary. I have yet to hear it but when I went to Music Direct to audition the X01 they told me the McCormack was just "ok". I would have listened to one but at that time they didn't have one in stock.
Regarding the new Orbiter, I put a post out on Audiogon a month ago asking for comments on this piece. No one commented. I would be very interested in getting a ahold of this piece and reviewing it as their stand alone cdp's have been quite good and I have a lot of respect for their engineering. Additionally, the Orbiter looks killer, even better than the DV 50 with a better build quality. But it seems everyone is waiting for a great review to come out first before taking a chance on it.
Regarding the Marantz SA 11, when I made my comments about reviewing it no one on this thread really seemed to be interested so I didn't persue it. There are a couple of other threads currently on A-gon regarding this player.
Its interesting that you mentioned the Marantz because right now I am auditioning the Marantz SA 14 vers. 2. Its in my rack and going up against the DV 50 and an Arcam cd 23.It was one of Marantz's better cdp's that seemed to be well liked and got very favorable reviews. So far the results have been interesting! The SA 14 is a nice player.
Of course, none of these players have the musicality of the modded players. And I really think its the tubes that make them magical.